Zip format support
- Full PKZip 4.5 format support
- Zip64 support (allows user to create files over 4GB)
- GZip, TAR, TGZ formats support
- ZIP compatible self extracting archives (SFX)
- Standard Zip encryption
- Strong AES encryption with 128, 192 and 256 bit keys
- Unicode filenames support
- Get and set archive and file comments
- 9 compression levels, allows user set individual compression level for each file
- Allows use to set individual password for each file
- Extracts files from spanned (multi-volume) zip archives
- Opens and creates multi-volume archives
- Deflate, BZIP2 and PPMd compression algorithms support (compatible with WinZIP 10)
.NET technology
- .NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 support
- 100% Managed code without unsafe blocks
- Error handling through .NET exceptions
- works with Visual Studio 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010
- Full design time support
- Fast compression algorithm implemenation
- Transaction system optimizing a group of archive modifications
- Fast archive updating
- Add files and folders by mask
- Rename files within archive
- Delete files from archive
- Update files
- Move files to archive (deleting original files)
- Test files
- Add streams and strings to archive in real-time
- Extract files to streams or buffers in real-time
- Create ZIP archive in streams on-the-fly
- Search files inside the archive
- Provides compression for files, buffers, streams and strings
- New files are added without creating a temp file
- Allows user to save full path of file with drive
- You can control the path information stored in the archive for each file or folder
- List contents of archive with complete file details (compression level, file attributes, zipped size, original size, compression rate and CRC)
- Progress indication with time estimation
Streaming support
- Real-time streaming support (access ZIP via stream on-the-fly)
- Create and open archive in streams (allows user to store an archive in a BLOB field or MemoryStream)
- Extract files to streams without creating temp files on disk
- Add files to archive from streams on-the-fly
- Progress indication with time estimation
- Cancel operations by user
- Change path, name or attributes of extracted file
- Change path, name or attributes of a file being added to archive
- Skip added or extracted files
Advanced features
- Repairs zip files
- Opens corrupted zip files
- Transaction system (allows user to cancel update if needed)
- In-memory archives
- Extracts files to buffers and strings
- Adds files from buffers and strings
- Creates SFX (self-extracting) archives
- Allows you to create custom self-extractor
- Converts existing ZIP files into SFX archives
- Allows you to modify SFX archives
- Allows you to embed a ZIP archive into your exe
ZipForge.NET is supplied with useful demos in C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET including:
- Basic - shows how to zip and extract files using ZipForge.NET
- Advanced - shows how to manage archive file
- MakeSFX - shows how to create self-extracting (SFX) archive
- SFXStub - shows how create a custom self-extractor
- Spanning - shows how to create and extract spanning and splitting archives
- Transactions - shows how to update archive in transaction and cancel update if an error occurred
- Search and List Contents - shows how to search files inside archive and list the details of each file
- Streams - shows how to create an archive in MemoryStream and add/extract files from MemoryStream
- RealTimeZipStreaming - illustrates how to work with Zip in a stream on-the-fly.
- Free for personal use
- Royalty free distribution
- Full source code is available in the source-code edition
- Site licenses (for unlimited number of developers) are available
Supported IDEs:
- Visual Studio 2003
- Visual Studio 2005
- Visual Studio 2008
- Visual Studio 2010
- Borland Developer Studio 2005
- Borland Developer Studio 2006
- Turbo Delphi.NET
- Turbo C# Builder
Current version: 3.05
Released: June 12, 2014
Price: $ 299
Component Ace is all that it advertises. It is easy to implement and is very fast.
In addition, the customer support is the best I have ever had. All my questions were answered within hours, often immediately. The responses also answered my questions, no need for followup emails.
If your application needs the functionality that Component Ace provides, search no further.
Linda Murphy