CompressionMaster Suite is the most advanced data compression library available for Delphi and C++ Builder. The Suite includes three independent data compression products: Easy Compression Library, FlexCompress and Delphi Zip component ZipForge. Compression Master is a complete solution for developing applications with data compression and encryption capabilities.
The CompressionMaster Suite allows you to save your money if you need two or more of mentioned above products.
Current version: 6.95
Released: January 21, 2019
Price: $ 299
The other people in the office didn't believe me when I said that all I had to do was document the problem and you would probably give me a fix overnight. Unbelievable! Keep up the great work. I hope you guys all make a fortune out of this product because it is truly fantastic and the support is the best I have ever encountered.
Mark Kefford