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Just downloaded, installed, up and running. Thanks. That's great service. I was having a discussion with a workmate today about software support. He claimed the problem with free software was lack of support. I cited Absolute as a counter example. When I first downloaded Absolute for personal use (ie free) I encountered a problem which was basically fixed the day after I reported it. Turned out to be a bug in Absolute but support gave me a workaround. Much better service than I've gotten from many companies with expensive service agreements. He wasn't convinced but I know good support when I see it.

Graham Saint

You have developed such a great product; hopefully Embarcadero will incorporate your database in the future releases. I develop mostly specialised stand alone software mathematically and statistical based for business and trend analysis. I've looked high and low until I found an integrated database like yours. This is by far the best way to integrate the database directly into the software. Your software beats other databases hand down if looking at their in-efficiencies in structure, integration problems, reliance on third party software, version conflicts. By comparing those database developments with older programming methods it is far more reliable and efficient to use direct open file, close file programming. Thankfully you've released a fast efficient database system, that I am sure of will be the standard for future programmers.

Charl Human

I have found that Absolute Database is by VERY FAR the best SGBD to use with DelphiXE for embedded database. It’s fast, easy to program and deploy and reliable. Solid as a rock A Five stars products. I waisted my time with Firebird and ElevateDb. I wish I had known and used Absolute Database before ! Support is phenomenal. Best money buy for Delphi XE.

Arnaud Zeller

I was tired of so many problems with other componentes of database access and in 2007 I bought the Absolute Database.
Today, three years later, I´m sure that I have made a great choice.
Thanks ComponentAce Team

Samuel Natali Junior

Thank you very much, this component is awesome. Totally the best one on the market.

Emil Thor Jonsson

I REALLY appreciate your awesome help and support!!! Now I got it to work, finally, thanks to you!! Thank you very very much! Super support!!

Evert Etienne

I had a lot of problems to maintain an application using BDE on Vista and XP computers, and with very few changes through my code for including Absolute Database, now every thing works, the size of the installation package reduced 6 times, and Vista accepts the software.

Jean-Jacques Jaquenod

IDMS has tried other replacements for the BDE, but every single one was a disaster. Your Absolute database is ???Absolutely??? wonderful. Not only does it deliver the power and speed our users demand, but it does so in a clean and straight forward manner. Thanks for such a great product!

Jeff Goldstein, President/CEO

Your database works so well, and so easily, that I have a lot of the application depending on tables contents instead of structures, ini files or the dreaded registry. In my opinion, Absolute Database is one of the best Delphi add-ons I have ever used in terms of it's performance, functionality and support.


I want to thank you for your support and commitment. It has been excellent. We are very pleased with your help and quick response. Many many thanks. Superb work

Peter Lind

Absolute Database is a fast and easy to use database giving reliability and security at your hand. Combined with the great Support from ComponentAce this is one of the best Delphi Components I have seen in years.

A. Winkelsdorf

We note that the porting of our existing database codeing from the BDE to AbsoluteDB is child's play (unlike VistaDB).

Morgan Christen

I have written Database applications in Delphi since 1995 which, as you will recall, was when Windows 95 was released!
I have used Paradox, .cds, .txt files, .ini files, Access files and just about any other media to store the data. Now I am only using Absolute Database! I don't have to bother with creating an alias, repairing out of date indexes, slow access speeds or other problems! Thank you very much for Absolute Database.

Paul Odendal, Cape Town, South Africa

Thankyou for your work, they made my project much easier. I was given most of the source code from another developer who had used the Elevate Software DBISAM database originally. I found your single file approach easier to deal with, and it was a bit faster too. Throughout the project the queries handled every SQL statement I needed, no matter how complicated. If only the BDE was as reliable as this from the start. Many thanks,


I don't think I've ever had a better support experience in regard to any of the 3rd party tools we use.

Tim Stickley

Component Ace is all that it advertises. It is easy to implement and is very fast. In addition, the customer support is the best I have ever had. All my questions were answered within hours, often immediately. The responses also answered my questions, no need for followup emails. If your application needs the functionality that Component Ace provides, search no further.

Linda Murphy

I am very impressed. This the best Delphi addon I''ve come across. Modifying an old fully debugged project to use your product required only 2 or 3 small code alterations or adjusments to the object properties and a couple of hours.

Tim Baker

I'm happy you have sent an updated version so fast. Your component is already widely used and tested. There where no further bugs I could find. At least not with my Software :) The component is handy to use, thank your for your work.
Kindest regards from rainy Hamburg.

Fred Schubert

I have been using Absolute Database for several years on internal projects. The staff has always been helpful. Absolute Database bundles a visual query builder with the program . This is very nice and takes a lot of drudgery out of coding joins. Compatiblity with legacy BDE projects is also very good. One very interesting feature is the ability to store read only data in the exe file itself- you could distribute an entire program with just the exe. Serious contender for any local or file share projects.

Herbert Kraft

Just thought I'd mention a problem I've been having with one of my applications. I had written this application using another database. It was working fine up until the client purchased a set of 64-bit servers running W2003 R2. The other database won't even let me query a table using SQL statements without giving me range errors. Select * from MyTable produces and error. I converted the database to an ABS and ran the same process - No problems.

Django Dunn

I definitely was impressed with ZipForge.NET and I certainly recommend it.

Jeff Cogswell

I think ZipForge is a wonderful little product! And I have "spread the word" whenever appropriate or asked. After years of using DynaZip, ZipForge is a breath of fresh air!

Quentin Correll

ABS is the best Delphi database I have found, comparable with the big players(Oracle, SQL, etc) but at a fraction of the cost, and with amazing support.

Nigel Todd

The ZipForge component is *the* best Zip component you will ever find and use. Period. Their tech support also makes you feel like you're a friend! Not some wait-in-line-customer.


After over a year using you database, I must say, it is great product. Keep going so!

Miroslav Marekovic

I'm very VERY impressed with your SQL implementation!
Even a quite complex query for example:

Sub_total FROM Racuni
INNER JOIN Kategorije ON


works perfectly! That just left me speechless:)

Ajasja Ljubetic

Again, I am very happy with Absolute, and your support has been unbelievable

Larry Lathrop

I have been using Compression Master Suite for a couple of years and have found it to be reliable and easy to use. Service from this company is excellent. I had very quick and helpful responses within a very short time when I had a couple of questions. I have no hesitation in recommending this software.

Graeme Martin
Delphi Systems Pty Ltd, Hobart, Australia

As always, what a pleasant and helpful company to deal with. (!)

Phill Hellewell

You have a great product !! Hope you will continue to develop it. I find it very solid compared to other desktop database products I have used in the past.

Shay McGee
Eason & Son Ltd.

Your SQL support looks to be much stronger than many of the DB only companies (VistaDB) and yet you are very understated about it (or perhaps they are very overstated about theirs).

Steve Gibbs

Thanks for your help! You provide 1st class support as always! So far my evalutation of Absolute Database is very positive and I am expecting to use it in a new job I'll start around next september so if everything goes normal you'll have a new paid costumer by then.

Nuno Mendes

Thank you for all your assistance too - a great product with even better SUPPORT - WONDERFUL

Nigel Todd

I am absolutely delighted with Absolutedb multi-user edition. I only wish that I had made the change from the BDE sooner! It is a delight to use, and so simple to migrate. None of your competitors come close to this product. Well done.

Miles Reid

Your support is outstanding... I really don't know one company which can compare with you... and I never regret to bought AbsDB for a second... it's always a pleasure to work with your Product

Ralf Bohnet

I have spent a couple of weeks looking at embedded DB's and am starting to think Absolute Database is probably the all round best performer, no nasty surprises, well documented and reasonably fast. I have come off MySql and your performance is very close to what I am used to, I use some reasonably complex queries and some of your competitors are so badly performing I really do not know how they can charge for them.

Roger de Valle

Using your product is a joy since it's so complete and a joy to use.

Jan Roza

Just wanted to say congratulations on a superb product. After spending weeks sourcing BDE alternatives which were fully Delphi 2005 compatible, Absolute database romped home in first place. Easy to use, great examples, and wonderful support. Thank you for making my job easier. I will be using Absolute Database on all new projects.

Andy Williams

Best zip component I have seen bar none

Clive Cooper

I found Absolute Database a must. I was really tired of BDE. The main reason because BDE need install. I had in mind to start using Interbase and/or Firebird, but preferred embedded database like your.

Massimo Berton

As a new user, I'm impressed by how quickly I've been able to use your product, with few hassles

Stuart McKenzie
Scotware Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland

Thanx a lot! Your support is outstanding!

Frikkie Schoeman

I have been very much impressed by what Absolute Database can do. It is light weight, easy to use, good documentation and numerous examples and above all the support is superb. I have received numerous timely feedback to my questions. In short, Absolute Database receives my utmost recommendation.

Sayed Hashimi
Professor of Surveying Engineering, Ferris State University, big Rapids, MI

I am very happy with Absolute Database. It is the most easiest and fastest database I have ever used in my 25 years of programming!


Michael P. Perrier
Senior Programmer
SoftRescue Corporation

Thank you for your quick answer. Everything went fine with the conversion from MS Access to Absolute DB. Great product and support, keep it on!

Gilles Thoma

Thanks again for the superb tech support, I was worried I'd hit a brick wall this close to the finish line. Even working on the weekend... you guys rock!!!

Bob Boyd

Congratulations for all your work. When I was searching for a substitute for BDE, the ABS Seems to be the best alternative. Today you and all your work team show me that it is true. Excelent product and excelent support.

Matheus Paschoal Pecci

ZipForge 2.62 is very well documented and problably it is the best component in the Delphi market. Installation process is complete and I did no manual operations!

Antonio Martins

I have tested aprox. 6 or 7 well known database systems and your is the best. I do believe you will be a long time on the market and wish you the best success in this business ;-)

Dmitry Skorniakov

Zipforge is really fast - I did many test with other zip libs for Delphi and yours is truly fantastic and more important - very fast. Great work

Christophe De Vocht

Keep up the good work on the product, it's the best product I've found yet for encryption/compression.

Jesse T.

Hi I have just started to use Absolute Database and have found it extremely easy to use. Brilliant Fantastic. Keep up the good work.


I want to thank you for your good work. AbsoluteDatabase is perfect BDE alternative.

Andrey Cherepaha

Absolute Database is perfect for the applications I am building. Thanks for a great product.

Rod Johnson
DataStorm Pty Ltd.

I use a lot of different databases (depending on the application and end-user requirements), but I certainly appreciate AbsoluteDB for its simplicity of use, and clean design. I am also impressed by the ever growing set of example projects distributed with ABS.

Steve Forbes

Thanks and keep up the great support! It is always a pleasure to work with companies like yours.

Zach Saw

I would like to take this opportunity to commend you for a very excellent product in the name of Absolute DB. I have been using the Personal Edition for a few weeks now and I must say that I love every single moment with ABS DB. I epecially love its speed, the completeness of its SQL and the sheer ease with which I can substitute the Data Modules in existing ADO and BDE-based projects. Thanks for a job well done.

James Hitz

I can't tell you how much I like this database. You aren't kidding when you say 100% compatible. I have only run into minor easily resolved issues when "upgrading" highly complex applications. Conversion times are extremely short.

Lee Knox

Axios IT was commissioned to write an application that required a native VCL compression library for Delphi. We required a fast implementation and excellent compression rates. We purchased FlexCompress in September 2004 after testing the trial download. It produced the best compression rates we saw out of around a dozen libraries. It was also very fast. The source was well structured and commented. To add to our surprise, FlexCompress was very well priced. I had been aware from past experiences that low-cost online purchases generally have poor support. Not so with ComponentAce. We made three requests of the technical support personnel and despite the fact that these were all implementation questions (not bugs in their software) we received support within 24 hours. It is rare to get such good customer support these days and I really appreciate everything ComponentAce has done for us.

Jason Goodridge, Development Manager

Thank you for all your patience and help, fantastic support on a top product!

Ashley Bailey

The other people in the office didn't believe me when I said that all I had to do was document the problem and you would probably give me a fix overnight. Unbelievable! Keep up the great work. I hope you guys all make a fortune out of this product because it is truly fantastic and the support is the best I have ever encountered.

Mark Kefford

I consider the design of ABSDB to be one of the best I have seen in a product for many years and I really hope that you will grow into a major player as the product become more mature.

Stein Oiestad

Your service is *excellent*.

David Ridgway

I just want to say well done for how quickly you have established AbsoluteDB as a robust product. I have just finished converting an important engineering application I had written with Halcyon to AbsoluteDB. AbsoluteDB makes it so much neater, and very fast too.

Raph Awoseyin
Port Harcourt, Nigeria

I am amazed at the extremely high level of service you have!

Frank de Groot

Thank you for your quick response . . . on Sunday no less! Absolute Database looks great! Not too much of a problem converting from BDE to Absolute Database.

John Kostura

ZipForge is fast, reliable and easy to use! I also noticed that ZipForge is very efficient regarding disk activity. The disk activity ZipForge needs while adding files to an archive is considerably less than with other zip libraries I evaluated or used.

Henk Hagedoorn

I have almost finished the evaluation of FlexCompress. Even if my previous experience was in VB programing I was able to build a test application that perform very well. I think it has been possible because of your clean and precise component design. I found methods and properties very self explicative.

Carlo Bergamini

Your website and components (I like ZIPForge very much, you know :-) ) are the best components I've_ ever seen! Thank you very much!!

Stanislav Eckert

Thanks, again for all your help. Our release is next week. I couldn't have made it possible without the components we purchased, especially the database. The actual processing of the 2 million + records took about 6 hours (checking every field in every record). The application we are comparing ours to evidently does the same amount of records in 10 to 12 hours! You guys have addressed all the issues so well it's given me even more confidence heading into next week. I've literally spent 10-15 hours a day, seven days a week, working on this app for the last couple of months. Without the quick response on all my questions and problems, I'd have never made it. I've been programming for ten years and I have never experienced support like Component Ace's! You guys rock!

Darren Fuller
Public Utility Commission Of Texas

I've been very impressed with both your product and support thus far. Your product appears to be more compatible at the component level to the BDE than any other that I've tried (DBISAM, Advantage, FlashFiler). A big selling point to me is that TABSTable filter even allows assignment of strings to numeric variables in the filter, as does the BDE. This is a big plus when converting a very large application with thousands of filters coded this way, as I am.

Emory Geiger
Intech Systems, Inc.

Thank you very much!!!
Your support is the best in World.

Berndt Rogberg

Good afternoon,

Just wanted to drop you a short note to say THANKS for your speedy response to my questions while developing a new application using Absolute Database. As you know, my program was developed to support administrative activities at a science fair that is held once per year. Our 2004 Science Fair occurred last week from Wednesday - Friday, and everything worked great! My application enabled us to easily track the projects, students, teachers, and judges as the judging unfolded. We had exactly 200 students participate. Of those, 12 worked on team projects, so we had a total of 194 projects. Twenty-eight judges graded all projects in the final 4-1/2 hours, including their time spent talking to each and every young scientist. Without a reliable method of processing this data, we might still be there trying to get organized! Thanks to Absolute Database, we had a transportable database application that worked superbly.

Thanks for everything,


After reviewing a number of competitive or friendly products, I must agree that your system is easy to understand and has many excellent features like small "foot print", easy understanding, etc. Please keep up the good work!

Ovi Florea

Absolute Database is the greatest single file database system I have ever tried. Moreover it's free for home! Thank you for develop it!

Andras Szikra

For the past several years I've looked for a good BDE replacement for my Delphi applications. I recently discovered Absolute Database, and have been extremely pleased and very pleasantly surprised by it and by the people at ComponentAce, LLC. The product exceeds my expectations and is very reasonably priced. Furthermore, in my 24 years of professional programming, system management, database design and development, database administration, etc., I have never worked with a company that is as responsive as ComponentAce. Their technical support is awesome, and their administrative support is both prompt and courteous. I am very comfortable recommending both Absolute Database and ComponentAce LLC. without reservation.

Alan MacArthur

Thanks for all of your help - I must say that you and your support team are a lot better than other companies out there - keep up the great work.

Ken McMillion

I am very pleased with the product thus far and am glad that I switched from Abbrevia.

Luke Miller
ResCorSoft, Inc

Easy Compression Library is a VERY important part of MultimediaSuite. You may know a little more about it at www.MultimediaSuite.com. Your Easy Compression was my choice even after registering other compression components like ZipTV.

Sergio Lobo

The ZipForge component has been great to work with and for the most part is doing exactly what I need it to do--good work!

Evan Christensen

Thank you very much. I have already tried your components. It looks like they will work for my applications exactly how I want them to work. Great job.


Hi! I'm trying out this superb component ZipForge (working with Delphi 6). I have tried some other compressing components but none of them have been so easy to use as your.

Berndt Rogberg

I currently have 1.30, I need to update to the latest. HOW, Again fantastic support and even greater product.

Dave Hamilton

I purchased Easy Compression Library for Delphi. I have tested it and I see a great potential for using it in my products from now on.

Burt Pierce

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Our Customers


We made three requests of the technical support personnel and despite the fact that these were all implementation questions (not bugs in their software) we received support within 24 hours. It is rare to get such good customer support these days and I really appreciate everything ComponentAce has done for us.

Jason Goodridge, Development Manager

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