Search Results for: 'gzip c ' |
Results 1-6, 6 total, on "gzip c " (0.52 seconds)
Delphi Database, Delphi Embedded Database, Embedded Database
...zlib gzip dll unzip component component unzip unzip library library unzip... ...unzip vc++ vc++ unzip unzip c++ builder c++ builder unzip activex gzip... x gzip gzip ocx ocx gzip gzip component component gzip dll gzip... ...library gzip gzip control control gzip gzip solution solution gzip gzip...
[23.4 kb] 2010-06-05 22:05:12
Delphi Database, Delphi Embedded Database, Embedded Database
...zlib gzip dll unzip component component unzip unzip library library unzip... ...unzip vc++ vc++ unzip unzip c++ builder c++ builder unzip activex gzip... x gzip gzip ocx ocx gzip gzip component component gzip dll gzip... ...library gzip gzip control control gzip gzip solution solution gzip gzip...
[23.2 kb] 2010-06-05 22:26:32
Self-extracting ZIP in VB.NET
...ComponentAce.Compression.Archiver Module SelfExtractingZip Sub Main '...
[15.4 kb] 2010-06-05 22:55:33
Compression algorithms
...three main compression algorithms: ZLIB algorithm BZIP...
[6.1 kb] 2010-06-05 22:47:38
Self-extracting ZIP in Delphi
...program SelfExtractingZip $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses // Add a ZipForge unit to...
[16.2 kb] 2010-06-05 22:46:09
Self-extracting ZIP in C#
...ComponentAce.Compression.Archiver namespace SelfExtractingZip class Program...
[15.5 kb] 2010-06-05 22:07:24
Component Ace is all that it advertises. It is easy to implement and is very fast.
In addition, the customer support is the best I have ever had. All my questions were answered within hours, often immediately. The responses also answered my questions, no need for followup emails.
If your application needs the functionality that Component Ace provides, search no further.
Linda Murphy