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Encryption algorithms

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FlexCompress.NET provides these encryption algorithms:

Rijndael 128 and 256 bit version, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) winner
DES Single and Tripple

Hash algorithms are RipeMD-128 for 128 bit keys and RipeMD-256 for 256 bit keys.

All these algoritms were tested by best cryptography experts in the world for a long time. However we recommend to use Single DES only in case if you need extremely high encryption speed. It is a very old cipher with 56 bit key that can be recovered much faster then modern ciphers like Rijndael,Twofish,Blowfish,Square,Triple DES.


Implementation of encryption routines is provided by well-known cryptography expert Hagen Reddmann (HaReddmann@AOL.COM), DEC Part I.

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