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Decompresses and/or decrypts a data from the specified buffer.






function ECLDecompressAndDecryptBuffer(InBuf: PChar; InSize:      Integer; out OutBuf: PChar; out OutSize: Integer; Password: String = ''): Boolean;



Call ECLDecompressAndDecryptBuffer to decompress and/or decrypt data from the source buffer to the specified destination buffer.

This function returns True if the decompression and/or decryption completed without errors or False if any error occurred.

InBuf represents the pointer to the source buffer with compressed and/or encrypted data.

InSize specifies the size of the source buffer

OutBuf contains the final pointer to the automatically allocated (by AllocMem) destination buffer with decompressed and/or decrypted data.

OutSize indicates the final size of the decompressed and/or decrypted data.

If Password is not blank, it is used to decrypt the data.

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