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Getting started with Easy Compression Library (ECL)



This section of the Developer's Guide demonstrates some of the common tasks where Easy Compression Library could be used:

  • Replacing standard streams
  • Compressing a file to file
  • Compressing a file to memory
  • Compressing a string
  • Compressing a memory buffer
  • Encrypting a file
  • Encrypting a string

    That's only a few examples of using ECL, so if you need more information, the next step is to read the following sections.

    In the Working with Streams section you could find a detailed description of a streaming compression.

    Take a look at the Working with Strings section if you are interested in how to encrypt and compress strings.

    Drop into the Working with Memory Buffers section if you are looking for functions compressing/encrypting and decompressing/decrypting data in a memory buffer.

    Last, but not least, you may want to know about Algorithms, Memory Consumption, Tuning and Limitations placed in the Appendix section.


    See also the Easy Compression Library Reference file (ECLRef.hlp) to get comprehensive information about properties, methods and events of all ECL classes and full descriptions for common compression routines.


    A plenty of demos installed with ECL illustrates how to use Easy Compression Library for a various purposes in your Delphi and C++ Builder applications.


    Feel free to contact ComponentAce at any time if you have questions, comments or suggestions via e-mail:



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