The date, time, number, and currency formats used in your application should be localized for the target locale.
All DB-Aware controls display date, time, number and currency values using the default system locale settings.
The problem could happen when you are specifying a date, time, ... constant in a filter string or in a SQL command.
Then you should remember the following issues:
| · | Point character ('.') is fixed as a decimal separator.
| · | ISO format could be used for date/time constants: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to avoid problems with locale settings.
| · | In other cases Absolute Database uses the current system locale settings to format date, time, and currency.
So if you are using date, time, number, or currency in a string format for filtering, searching, or with SQL command, you must use one of the following methods:
| · | Use the fixed decimal point character '.' for float and currency constants
| · | Use the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD for date, HH:MM:SS for time constants
| · | Use the default locale settings to convert date, time, ... value to a string
| · | Specify the format via special format string and SQL function
The following example illustrates how you can use the float value in a filter string:
| ABSTable1.Filter := 'Weight > 3.5';
| The code below shows how to use ISO format date constant in SQL query:
| ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO Orders (ID, BillDate) VALUES (1, ''2003-07-31'')';
| The next sample demonstrates how you can use the default locale settings to convert date value to a string for SQL query:
| ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO Orders (ID, BillDate) VALUES (1, '+QuotedStr(DateToStr(Date))+')';
| The code below shows how to use query parameters to avoid converting problems:
| ABSQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO Orders (ID, BillDate) VALUES (2, :BillDate)';
| ABSQuery1.Params[0].AsDateTime := Date;
| The last example illustrates how to use TODATE SQL function to insert DateTime field value:
| INSERT INTO Orders (ID, BillDate) VALUES (3, TODATE('12/16/2002 11:10:30 am','MM/DD/YYYY hh:nn:ss ampm'))