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Home > Articles > FlexCompress and ZipForge: Speed and compression ratio tests

FlexCompress and ZipForge: Speed and compression ratio tests

ComponentAce presents public tests of well known multi-file compression libraries.

Diagram 1 presents comparison of maximum compression ratio and according speed for all tested products. The values are calculated as percentage from leader's value.
Table 1 displays the list of all tested products
Table 2 shows the results of the famous .

Diagram 1. Relative maximum compression ratio and according speed.

Ratio and Speed comparison

Table 1. Tested products.

Product Description
FlexCompress, v.1.00 (PPM algorithm)

Flexible compression algorithms (PPM, BZIP and Deflate) and strong encryption (Rijndael, Twofish, Blowfish, Square, 3DES, DES)

FlexCompress, v.1.00 (BZIP algorithm)

Flexible compression algorithms (PPM, BZIP and Deflate) and strong encryption (Rijndael, Twofish, Blowfish, Square, 3DES, DES)

ZipForge, v.1.00

Fast ZIP compression library with transaction system.
Free for personal use.

VCLZIP, v.2.23

Compression library.

ZipTV, v.4.8.5

Compression library.

Abbrevia, v.3.01

Compression library.

Table 2. The results of the famous Calgary Corpus Test.

Unpacked size, Bytes Packed size, Bytes Compression time, sec. Compression ratio, %
FlexCompress 1.00 PPM Mode 3 3,251,493 819,244  5.9 74.8 %
FlexCompress 1.00 BZIP Mode 3 3,251,493 900,672  7.4 72.3 %
ZipForge 1.00 Mode 9 3,251,493 1,061,189 10.1 67.4 %
VCLZIP 2.23 Mode 9 3,251,493 1,060,575 12.1 67.4 %
ZipTV 4.8.5 DeflateX 3,251,493 1,061,117 11.1 67.4 %
Abbrevia 3.01 Cab 3,251,493 1,062,878 12.1 67.3 %

All tests were running on the same machine, Intel Pentium II 300 MHz, 200 MB RAM, 45 GB HDD, OS Microsoft Windows Millennium. Time measurement precision is 0.1 sec.

In any case, with any publishing of any investigations using the materials presented here, you must refer to ComponentAce as the author and the article itself.

We give you a possibility to perform your own tests using our test program. You can download its source code for free.

© ComponentAce, 2003.

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