Occurs before archive group operations.
type TZFConfirmProcessFileEvent = procedure(
Sender: TObject;
FileName: String;
Operation: TZFProcessOperation;
var Confirm: Boolean
) of object;
property OnConfirmProcessFile: TZFConfirmProcessFileEvent;
Write an OnConfirmProcessFile event handler to perform some specific actions before executing archive operation or to cancel it. OnConfirmProcessFile event can be triggered by AddFiles, MoveFiles, UpdateFiles, DeleteFiles, TestFiles or ExtractFiles before executing operation on the current file.
The Sender parameter is the object whose event handler is called.
FileName indicates current file name.
Operation indicates current archive operation.
Confirm determines if current operation on the current file will be executed. Set Confirm to False if you want to cancel executing of the current operation on the file. Default value for Confirm is True.