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Introduces an abstract method for moving to a specified position in the streamed resource.


function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; virtual; abstract;



Each descendant stream object defines a Seek method that moves the current position of the stream in its particular storage medium (such as memory or a disk file).


The Origin parameter indicates how to interpret the Offset parameter. Origin should be one of the following values:




Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.


Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.


Offset is from the end of the resource. Offset must be <= 0 to indicate a number of bytes before the end of the file.


Seek returns the new value of the Position property.


Seek is called by the Position and Size properties.

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