Delphi Database, Delphi Components from ComponentAce
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Changes encryption password of a database file.

function ChangePassword(NewPassword: string = '' ): String; overload;
function ChangePassword(NewPassword: String; NewCryptoAlgorithm: TABSCryptoAlgorithm): String; overload;

Call to ChangePassword to make database file encrypted, or to decrypt it, or to change database password.

If the NewPassword parameter is not blank, then the database data will be encrypted using this password.
If the NewPassword is blank, the file will be decrypted.

NewCryptoAlgorithm specifies new algorithm used to encrypt database file.

Result is blank if change encryption process was successful and error log string otherwise.

Changing password could be a lengthy process if you are working with large database. Use BeforeChangePassword, OnChangePasswordProgress and AfterChangePassword event handlers to display the progress of changing database password process.

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